The Cobram Veterinary Clinic provides 24 hour service for dairy and beef cattle, where we offer reproductive herd health serivces.
General services include examination of sick animals, lameness problems (inlcuding hoof trimming), surgical procedures (caesareans, LDA's/RDA's), disbudding and calf difficulties.
Our reproductive services include pregnancy testing (manual and ultrasound), synchronisation programs, bull fertility examinations and reproductive advice. Herd health services include calf rearing problems, calf and heifer weight programs, disease outbreak workups and mastitis investigations, farm specific management plans (vaccinations plans, fresh cow management) lameness investigations and herd biosecurity plans.
Owning a pet bird provides a child with companionship and teaches the child responsibility and care. Parents must still supervise the day-to-day care so that the bird is not neglected through ignorance or loss of interest.
Recent studies show that the use of sedation and local anaesthetic during disbudding of calves significantly reduces the stress and pain associated with this procedure.
Calf disbudding is the removal of horn-producing tissue prior to its attachment to the frontal bone.
Calves disbudded with sedation and pain relief have been shown to have 17% higher average daily growth rates in the two weeks following disbudding when compared to calves without. This average daily growth rate in heifers prior to puberty has a huge impact on lactation performance over their lifetime.
Our process is designed to allow easier disbudding whilst maintaining animal welfare.
We reduce the stress, discomfort and other negative health impacts from the disbudding process via the application of local anaesthetic to the horn base, which allows us to complete the job consistently and efficiently.
Additionally, we administer an anti-inflammatory injection which offers long-acting pain relief.
Calves are checked for hernias or extra teats and treated accordingly.
The following guidelines are essential to providing the most effective stress and pain free disbudding procedure:
Calves should be monitored post disbudding to ensure full recovery from the procedure.
Delayed Wake Up: on completion, our Vets will assess the calves for alterness and treat accordingly. If calves are still unresponsive after 3 hours after disbudding, please contact us.
Feeding: as calves have been off milk for some time we would like them fed approx 2 hours after completion of the procedure.
Temperature: following sedation, calves have reduced ability to regulate body temperature so need shade on hot days and wind-breaks etc on cold days.
For more information or to schedule and appointment for calf disbudding, please phone our clinic on 03-5872 1233
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